Disney infinity toy story playset
Disney infinity toy story playset

During your stay in the Alien Outpost you also contribute to building it up by adding additional facilities. You can roam around collecting capsules that contain more toys and completing various quests. This adventure is not unlike some of the other playsets. The phrasing and inflection used to deliver each line is absolutely hilarious and Keen and I were laughing at almost everything they said.


The whole adventure is full of them and everything they say is pure gold. Quite possibly the best part of the adventure would be the LGMs (Little Green Men aliens). I definitely appreciate it when original VAs reprise their roles because I find the alternative to be rather off-putting. Ham is definitely Ratzenberger and Rex is obviously Wallace Shawn, or The Nagus as we call him. Other than that it seems like the rest of the NPC toys are played by their original voices. I’m not entirely sure if Tom Hanks and Tim Allen reprise their roles or not, but it sure does sound like them. But really, who wants to play as Jesse? Maybe I’m alone in this but I find the character to be obnoxious. If the playset had both Woody and Buzz then I imagine there would be tons of Jesse figures on store shelves, and that never looks good. Surprisingly Woody is sold separately, but it makes sense from a marketing standpoint, at least. The pack contains the Buzz Lightyear and Jesse figures.

disney infinity toy story playset

The exact details of how and why you are here never really seem to be revealed but it seems obvious enough that you must be playing through the imaginary world of whoever is playing with the toys. The adventure starts out with your characters landing on an alien world and trying to protect a local colony from volcano bombardment. It seems they have saved the best for last since this adventure offers some of the more interesting additions to the Toy Box mode and presents itself in a very fun way that captures the spirit of Toy Story rather well. The latest, and I believe final, Disney Infinity playset is Toy Story In Space.

Disney infinity toy story playset